
Tuna For Your Chicken – 3 Recipes!

Tuna For Your Chicken

Have you ever given tuna fish to your chickens, if you haven`t there are many reasons you should start doing it now. Chickens LOVE tuna, I don’t know why, but it is good that they love it because tuna is very healthy for them to eat.It is a fun treat and sometimes mixing the treats you give to your chicken can be also fun. This is why we at the typesofchicken.com team decided to share with you some interesting recipes with tuna fish combined with other treats.

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How to get rid of flies in a chicken coop

How to Protect Your Chicken Coop From Flies

Chickens can be dirty, they require scheduled clean-ups and proper care so that more illnesses can be avoided.

Flies can be a constant problem during hot summer days, and there are many things around your coop that attract them.

From the bad smell of feces to the moisture that can occur in your coop. Flies are dangerous illness carriers when it comes to chicken, and that is why we at the typesofchicken.com team for this article will give you a few tips on how to get rid of flies in a chicken coop.

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Inside The Mind Of A Chicken!

Inside The Mind Of A Chicken

As we have said many times before, we at the typesofchicken.com team strive to help our readers understand how chicken keeping works, and how to make your life as a chicken keeper better.

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How Not To Check Your Chicken Gender – 3 Worst Methods!!!

Check Your Chicken Gender

We at the typesofchicken.com team strive to give our readers useful and correct information concerning everything about the life of a chicken keeper.

We focus on the Pros & Cons of a certain chicken breed, how-to manuals about stuff in and out of your coop, and more.

We also give our best to spend some time on the many ways that you can have fun with your chickens. Some time ago we gave you an article about how to check your chicken gender, and now it is time for us to share with you how NOT to check your chicken gender and the 3 worst methods of doing it.

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Pros & Cons Of Keeping Plymouth Rock Chickens

Plymouth Rock Chickens

As another Monday comes we at the typesofchicken.com team already announced that as a part of our weekly pros and cons articles for this week we will proudly present to you the Pros & Cons Of Keeping Plymouth Rock Chickens.

As we have said before, we write our articles based on our own personal experience and on research. Plymouth Rock is one of our favorite chicken breeds next to the Cochin so we hope that you don’t mind a bit of exaggeration from our side on the Pros list.

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Toys For Your Chickens – For Better Entertainment In The Coop!

Toys For Your Chickens

Some time ago we at the typesofchicken.com team presented our readers with some DIY Projects, and our readers complained a bit that they could not understand the principle of how they work. We had long discussions on the subject of fixing this problem for our readers and we came up with the solution that will most likely get you to easier understand the process of how these contraptions work. With the help of our children we managed to get some very satisfying images that will hopefully motivate you to build one of these toys for your chickens.

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What to Feed Chickens at Their Different Stage of Life?

What to Feed Chickens

Chickens grow up fast, and for the process of growing up and developing from a chick to a chicken you need take some special care of what you are feeding them. Chickens at different stages of life require slightly different diets. Knowing when and what to feed your chickens is very important for every chicken keeper because this helps you raise better, healthier and friendlier chickens. This is why we at the typesofchicken.com team decided to share our opinion with you about this subject with the hope that you will have clearer image concerning the feeding of your chicks and chickens.

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10 Common Chicken Health Problems And Solutions

Common Chicken Health Problems and solutions

Chicken Health problems are what keep us, the chicken keepers, checked into reality and help us prepare for the worst that happens with all of the chickens, they die.

What we at the typesofchicken.com team want to do with this article is to inform you of the 10 Most Common Chicken Health Problems And Solutions so that you can have a better life as a chicken keeper.

We hope that this list will help you learn something and prolong the lives of your chicken. Of course, it helps a lot if you are aware that some situations require assistance from your vet so don’t delete his number yet.

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20 Most Popular Chicken Breeds! Great Addition To Your Flock!

20 Most Popular Chicken Breeds

What is the point of maintaining a page called types of chicken if we don’t make a strong, large and filled with information article about the 20 Most Popular Chicken Breeds?

We made this list based on our own opinions and you should not care much about the numbering. These are our, thetypesofchicken.com team`s favorite breeds and we hope that you enjoy reading this article as much as we enjoyed creating it for you.

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5 Things You Can Add To Your Chicken Feed!

Chicken Feed

Whether you are making your own or buying commercial chicken feed, there are still some things you can add to your feed so that you can improve your chicken’s diet. This can be helpful if you are not keen on spending money on the more expensive chicken feeds out there, but you are buying the … Read more