
Silkie Rooster Temperament And How To Handle It

Silkie rooster Temperament

It is no secret that Silkie Chicken is the labrador retriever of chickens. One of the low number of chicken breeds that you can keep in your apartment. If you are looking for a pet chicken, Silkie Chicken Is the breed for you.

They are small, smart, and gentle. However, when roosters come to mind, even the Silkie Rooster Temperament can surprise every chicken keeper.

Their distinct fluffy plumage caught even Marco Polo‘s attention. He was amazed by their fur, so it’s believed that he brought them to Europe via Silk Road.

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How To Raise A Friendly Rooster!

Raise A Friendly Rooster

Roosters can be aggressive and loud. Many chicken keepers even avoid roosters in their flock due to their “complicated” attitude. They are aggressive and often bully other chickens in the congregation. Most chicken keepers keep one rooster per 7+ hens, none at all, or, in some cases, separated from the hens. Chicken keepers that allow their eggs to … Read more