
Raising Chickens for the First Time – Common Mistakes & How to do Better

raising chickens for the first time

We all make mistakes on a daily basis, which is not good, but still very real. Mistakes are there to be made, but the consequences can be very bad. It usually depends on how a big mistake it was indeed. We usually learn from the mistakes we made and move on, but when it comes … Read more

10 Best Chicken Keeping Advice

Chicken Keeping Advices

For some individuals raising backyard chickens can be quite the challenge. Fortunately, our team did some research, so worry no more because we are going to make raising backyard chickens a piece of cake for you, by telling you these 10 easy hacks.

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5 Things You Need to Know Before Raising Backyard Chickens!

How to Bathe a Chicken

During my research about raising backyard chickens, I have encountered a lot of pros and cons.

Some think that it is expensive to groom the chickens just for the eggs because eggs can be pretty cheap in the stores, and others think that raising backyard chickens is a very good thing because the eggs are not laid by genetically modified chickens and it pays out in the end. I agree with the latter and only because of the healthy benefits of raising chickens in your own backyard but in time I have found out many more benefits.

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