
How cold is too cold for chickens?

It is not easy to determine when the outside temperature becomes too cold for chickens. The average, or optimal, temperature for chickens is between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Chickens can be subjected to colder temperatures, but if it is below freezing they will need a warmer space indoors or outside in order to stay … Read more

5 Best Egg Producing Chickens Per Year! (explained)

Here you can find the best egg producing chickens for your coop.

Do not make a fast decision on the chicken type, not all of them are good layers.

Consuming the same amount of food and water, different chicken breeds produce more or fewer eggs. The following hens are considered to be the best egg-producing chickens per year.

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What to do with your eggshells? 10 inspiring ideas to help you decide

10 amazing things you can do with your egg shells4

When I started breeding chickens I was spending a lot of time researching things that I can do with their eggs or eggshells. Therefore, you are asking yourself what to do with your eggshells?

After some discussions with more experienced chicken breeders, one of the things that I found out which amazed me was all the things you can do with your eggshells.

Honestly, I used to throw them away with the rest of the trash but now I am finding more and more uses for them.

This is what inspired us at the typesofchicken.com team to give you this article about the 10 amazing things you can do with your eggshells.

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7 Frequently Asked Questions About Chickens

In our mail, we get tons of questions about what to do, please help, how-to and etc. Now, we will try to answer some of the most commonly asked questions.

If this article helped you and solved some of your problems, please share it or bookmarked it.

Without further ado, you can read the FAQ below:

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