
What is the Best Animal to Protect Chickens?

Chickens are popular birds to raise for their eggs and meat, but they can also be vulnerable to predators such as dogs, coyotes, and foxes. To keep your chickens safe, you may want to consider using an animal as an additional layer of protection.

There are several options to choose from, each with their own unique characteristics and benefits. In this article, we will explore the different animals that can be used to protect chickens and help you determine which one might be the best fit for your specific needs and situation.

Whether you are a small backyard farmer or a large-scale commercial operation, we hope this information helps you keep your chickens safe and secure.

There are several animals that can be used to protect chickens from predators. Some options include:

  1. Dogs – Many breeds of dogs make excellent guard animals for chickens. They are territorial and will protect their flock from intruders.
  2. Donkeys – Donkeys are naturally territorial and will protect chickens from predators such as dogs, coyotes, and foxes.
  3. Geese – Geese are very protective of their young and will aggressively defend their flock against predators.
  4. Guinea fowl – Guinea fowl are known for their loud calls and will often alert the flock to the presence of predators.
  5. Llama – Llamas are territorial and will protect their flock from predators.

It’s important to keep in mind that no animal can completely eliminate the risk of predators, so it’s still important to use other measures such as fencing and secure housing to protect your chickens.


Dogs are a popular choice for protecting chickens because they are intelligent, trainable, and naturally territorial. Many breeds of dogs make excellent guard animals for chickens, including Anatolian shepherds, Great Pyrenees, and Kangal dogs. These breeds are known for their strong protective instincts and will defend their flock from intruders.

In addition to their natural instincts, dogs can be trained to protect chickens through basic obedience training and specific commands. This can help them distinguish between predators and friendly visitors, and allow them to respond appropriately in different situations.

It’s important to keep in mind that not all dogs are suitable for protecting chickens. Some breeds, such as hounds and retrievers, may have a high prey drive and may not be able to resist the temptation to chase or attack the chickens. It’s also important to socialize and train your dog properly to ensure that they behave appropriately around chickens and other animals.


Rooster on wooden fence with blurred donkey in the background, petting zoo
image from shutterstock.com

So, you’re wondering will a donkey protect chickens? Do donkeys protect chickens?

Donkeys are often used to protect chickens and other poultry because they are naturally territorial and will aggressively defend their flock from predators. They are also known for their loud braying, which can deter predators and alert the flock to danger.

In addition to their protective instincts, donkeys are also intelligent and can be trained to respond to specific commands. This can help them distinguish between predators and friendly visitors, and allow them to respond appropriately in different situations.

It’s important to keep in mind that donkeys require a lot of space and are not suitable for all environments. They also have specific care and feeding requirements, so it’s important to do your research and make sure you are prepared to meet their needs before adding a donkey to your farm.


Geese are often used to protect chickens because they are naturally protective of their young and will aggressively defend their flock against predators.
image from shutterstock.com

Geese are often used to protect chickens because they are naturally protective of their young and will aggressively defend their flock against predators. They are also known for their loud calls and will often alert the flock to the presence of predators.

In addition to their protective instincts, geese are also intelligent and can be trained to respond to specific commands. This can help them distinguish between predators and friendly visitors, and allow them to respond appropriately in different situations.

It’s important to keep in mind that geese require a lot of space and are not suitable for all environments. They also have specific care and feeding requirements, so it’s important to do your research and make sure you are prepared to meet their needs before adding geese to your farm.

Guinea Fowl

A group of guinea fowl and chicken feeding outdoor

Guinea fowl are often used to protect chickens because they are naturally alert and will sound a loud call to alert the flock to the presence of predators. They are also known for their aggressive behavior towards predators and will often chase and attack them to defend their flock.

In addition to their protective instincts, guinea fowl are also intelligent and can be trained to respond to specific commands. This can help them distinguish between predators and friendly visitors, and allow them to respond appropriately in different situations.

It’s important to keep in mind that guinea fowl require a lot of space and are not suitable for all environments. They also have specific care and feeding requirements, so it’s important to do your research and make sure you are prepared to meet their needs before adding guinea fowl to your farm.


Chickens and lamas graze together at the chicken cart
image credit: shutterstock.com

What about llamas? Do llamas protect chickens?

Llamas are often used to protect chickens because they are naturally territorial and will aggressively defend their flock from predators. They are also known for their loud calls, which can deter predators and alert the flock to danger.

In addition, llamas are large and strong animals, which can make them a formidable deterrent to potential predators.

Llamas are also intelligent and can be trained to respond to specific commands, which can help them distinguish between predators and friendly visitors and allow them to respond appropriately in different situations.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that llamas require a lot of space and have specific care and feeding requirements, so it’s important to do your research and make sure you are prepared to meet their needs before adding a llama to your farm.

What animal will protect chickens from hawks?

Hawks can be a significant predator threat to chickens, especially in areas where they are common. To protect your chickens from hawks, you may want to consider using a guard animal, such as a dog or donkey. These animals are naturally territorial and will defend their flock from predators, including hawks.

A Red-tailed Hawk is hovering in mid air, looking down for potential prey to pounce on. Colloquially known as a Chickenhawk. Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
image credit: shutterstock.com

In addition to using a guard animal, there are several other measures you can take to protect your chickens from hawks:

  1. Provide secure housing – Hawks can attack chickens when they are outside, so it’s important to provide a secure coop or pen for your chickens to sleep and rest in.
  2. Use fencing – Hawks can fly over fences, so it’s important to use fencing that is tall enough to deter them.
  3. Netting – Covering your chickens’ pen or coop with netting can help prevent hawks from attacking.
  4. Train your chickens to seek shelter – You can train your chickens to seek shelter in their coop or pen when they see a hawk or other predator.

It’s important to keep in mind that no single measure will completely eliminate the risk of hawk attacks, so it’s best to use a combination of methods to protect your chickens.

Will goats protect chickens from hawks?

Goats are not typically used as guard animals to protect chickens from hawks.

While goats are intelligent and can be trained to respond to specific commands, they do not have the natural territorial instincts or aggressive behavior needed to deter predators such as hawks.

Best small dog to protect chickens?

There are several small dog breeds that can be used to protect chickens, including:

  1. Miniature Schnauzer – Miniature Schnauzers are intelligent, trainable, and make excellent guard dogs. They are naturally protective of their family and will defend their flock from predators.
  2. Pekingese – Pekingese are small but fierce and will protect their flock from predators. They are also intelligent and can be trained to respond to specific commands.
  3. Cairn Terrier – Cairn Terriers are small but tough and will protect their flock from predators. They are also intelligent and can be trained to respond to specific commands.
  4. Jack Russell Terrier – Jack Russell Terriers are energetic and fearless, and will protect their flock from predators. They are also intelligent and can be trained to respond to specific commands.

It’s important to keep in mind that not all small dogs are suitable for protecting chickens.

How to protect chickens from coyotes?

What animals protect chickens from foxes?

Red Fox in front of mesh fence
image credit: shutterstock.com

There are several animals that can be used to protect chickens from foxes, including dogs, donkeys, geese, guinea fowl, and llamas. These animals are naturally territorial and will defend their flock from predators, including foxes.

Dogs, donkeys, and llamas can also be trained to respond to specific commands, which can help them distinguish between predators and friendly visitors and allow them to respond appropriately in different situations. It’s important to keep in mind that no animal can completely eliminate the risk of predators, so it’s still important to use other measures such as fencing and secure housing to protect your chickens.

Will emu protect chickens?

Emus are not typically used as guard animals to protect chickens. While emus are large, strong birds and may be able to deter predators to some extent, they do not have the natural territorial instincts or aggressive behavior needed to effectively protect chickens from predators.

Will a turkey protect chickens?

Turkeys can sometimes serve as guard animals to protect chickens, but they are not as effective at deterring predators as other animals such as dogs, donkeys, geese, guinea fowl, and llamas. Turkeys do not have the natural territorial instincts or aggressive behavior needed to effectively protect chickens from predators.

Turkeys can, however, serve as an additional layer of protection for chickens when used in combination with other measures such as fencing and secure housing. They may also help to deter predators by making noise and drawing attention to themselves, which can help alert the flock to danger and give them time to seek shelter.

It’s important to keep in mind that no animal can completely eliminate the risk of predators, so it’s still important to use other measures such as fencing and secure housing to protect your chickens.

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