
Choosing The Right Bedding For Chickens

bedding for your chickens

The bedding you choose for your chickens is very important and it can make you life as a chicken keeper easier. While the instinct might be to run with the cheapest and simple to tidy up choices

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How do chickens reproduce – Breeding Chicken 1.0.1

Ever wondered how do chickens reproduce? The process of chicken reproduction is very important for you regardless if you are using the chicken for your own personal gain or if you plan on breeding them for sale.

You must understand that not every egg can hatch into a chick and that the more information you gain of the reproductive system of chicken the better the results. It’s also important for you to know that even the hen has not been in contact with a rooster a healthy adult hen will lay eggs every 24 to 27 hours. If the hen hasn’t been fertilized by a rooster the eggs will be edible but they will not hatch into chicks.

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