
How to Make Your Own Chicken Waterer – 2 DIY projects!!!

How to Make Your Own Chicken Waterer

First of all, we would like to say that we are aware that “waterer” is not a correct word but it will do the trick for this article and we know that our readers understand what we mean.

Our readers have been using this word in the emails they have been sending to us, so because we couldn’t find a better word to describe this invention, we decided to stay with the word our readers chose.

We at the typesofchicken.com team are doing our best to share our ideas, opinions and problem solutions with our fan base. We hope that you enjoy and find useful these ideas for chicken waterers brought to you by the typesofchicken.com team.

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How to Keep Your Chickens Entertained & 3 DIY Toys! – Part 2

Some time ago we at the typesofchicken.com team gave you an article on How to keep your chickens entertained and 3 DIY toys and from your feedback, we came to the conclusion that you might want more.

We discussed what chickens do when they are bored so now we will skip that part and go directly to the toys.

Without further ado, here are the new DIY toys for your chickens brought to you by the typesofchicken.com team.

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What to do with your egg cartons? 6 easy DIY ideas

Egg cartons

When we were discussing our next article someone suggested that even chicken keepers can have extra egg cartons and this gave us the idea, what to do with your egg cartons?

We gave you an article about what to do with your eggshells.

Our readers like the ideas about everything that has to do with chickens and eggs, especially the things people usually throw away.

With no further ado, here are some great uses for your leftover egg cartons:

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How to Make Your Garden Chicken Proof & 5 DIY TRICKS!

How to Make Your Garden Chicken Proof

In some of our previous articles, we at the typesofchicken.com team gave you the idea to let your chicken roam in your garden, and some of you complained that with doing that the chickens ruin some parts of it. So after some research and usage of our improvisation skills, we team found a few ways for you to let your chicken roam in your garden and keep your garden products protected at the same time.

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How To Keep Your Chickens Entertained & 3 DIY Toys!

When your chickens sit in one place and they are not pecking or playing it does not mean that they are bored, but that they are enjoying life.

We have all felt that moment when you just want to sit and relax.

They sit and relax their muscles and simply watch some of the entertaining parts of the world around them that we humans have forgotten to enjoy. What chickens do when they are bored is they start going at each other, in most cases bullying the ones at the lower end of the flock.

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