
Can Chickens Eat Coreopsis?

When it comes to poultry care, understanding the dietary needs and restrictions of chickens is paramount. One common question that arises among poultry enthusiasts is: Can chickens eat coreopsis? Coreopsis, a vibrant and commonly found plant, might be a tempting treat for your feathery friends, but is it safe?

Yes, chickens can safely devour coreopsis.

What is Coreopsis?

Coreopsis, often referred to as “tickseed,” is a popular perennial plant known for its bright, daisy-like flowers. While it’s a favorite among gardeners for its resilience and vibrant colors, its suitability for chickens remains a topic of discussion.

chicken with coreopsis

Safe Plants for Chickens

Chickens, by nature, are foragers. They love to roam around, pecking at various plants and insects. However, not all plants are safe for them. Some commonly found plants that are beneficial for chickens include:

  • Currants: These are not only safe but also nutritious for chickens.
  • Gooseberries: Another fruit that chickens can enjoy without any adverse effects.
  • Raspberries: A delightful treat that’s safe for your poultry.
  • Plum trees: While the fruit is a treat, ensure chickens don’t consume large amounts of leaves.
  • Apricot: Just like plum trees, the fruit is safe, but monitor leaf consumption.

It’s essential to provide a variety of safe plants for chickens to ensure they get the necessary nutrients. Moreover, introducing them to composting and perennials can further enhance their diet, making them healthier and happier.

Plants to Avoid in Chicken Runs

While there are numerous plants that chickens can safely consume, there are also several that should be kept out of their reach. Some plants can be harmful or even toxic to chickens, leading to health issues or even fatalities. Here’s a list of plants that are best avoided:

  • Foxglove: Contains toxins that can be fatal to chickens.
  • Rhubarb: The leaves, in particular, are toxic to chickens.
  • Nightshade family: Plants like tomatoes and potatoes have parts that can be harmful when consumed in large quantities.

It’s crucial to be vigilant and monitor what your chickens are eating. If in doubt, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and keep potential harmful plants away from your flock.

Benefits of Perennials in Chicken Runs

Perennials offer a multitude of benefits when introduced into chicken runs:

  • Reduced Feed Costs: With the right perennials, you can significantly cut down on the feed costs. Chickens can forage on these plants, getting essential nutrients.
  • Shade and Protection: Perennials like shrubs and tall grasses provide necessary shade during hot days and protection from predators.
  • Natural Pest Control: Some perennials attract beneficial insects, which not only help with pest control but also serve as a food source for the chickens.
  • Soil Enrichment: Chickens love to scratch around, and in doing so, they help in aerating the soil. This, combined with their droppings, enriches the soil, benefiting the perennials.

Incorporating perennials into chicken runs is a sustainable approach that benefits both the chickens and the environment. For those interested in creating a custom mix of seeds tailored for chickens, Great Basin Seed Co offers a variety of options.

The Role of Environment in Chicken Diet

The environment in which chickens are raised plays a significant role in determining their dietary preferences and needs. A chicken raised in a confined space with limited access to natural forage will have different dietary requirements than one raised in a spacious backyard with access to a variety of plants and insects.

  • Free-Range vs. Confined: Chickens that are allowed to roam freely often have a more varied diet, consuming a mix of plants, seeds, and insects. In contrast, confined chickens might rely more on commercial feeds.
  • Seasonal Variations: The availability of certain plants and insects can vary with seasons. For instance, during spring and summer, chickens might have access to a plethora of bugs and fresh plants, while in winter, their diet might lean more towards grains and commercial feeds.
  • Soil Quality: The quality of the soil in the chicken run can influence the types of plants that grow there and, consequently, the diet of the chickens. Enriched soil might support a diverse range of plants, offering more options for the chickens to forage.


As poultry enthusiasts continue to explore the best dietary options for their flocks, several frequently asked questions arise. Here are some of the most common queries:

  • Can chickens eat comfrey?
    Yes, chickens can safely eat comfrey. In fact, comfrey is often considered a superfood for chickens due to its high protein content and medicinal properties.
  • What plants attract bugs for chickens to eat?
    Plants such as marigolds, dill, and fennel are known to attract beneficial insects. These insects not only aid in pest control but also serve as a nutritious snack for chickens.
  • How can I protect plants from being destroyed by chickens?
    Using chicken wire or mesh around specific plants or garden beds can help. Alternatively, designating a separate foraging area filled with chicken-friendly plants can keep them occupied and away from your prized plants.

Understanding the dietary needs of chickens is a journey that goes beyond just identifying safe plants. The question, “Can chickens eat coreopsis?” serves as a starting point, prompting poultry enthusiasts to delve deeper into the intricacies of chicken nutrition.

Chickens, like all living beings, thrive best when their environment and diet cater to their natural behaviors and needs. By providing them with a varied diet, rich in safe plants, seeds, and insects, and by regularly monitoring their health, poultry keepers can ensure the well-being of their flocks.

Moreover, the environment in which chickens are raised, the quality of the soil, and the seasonal variations all play a pivotal role in shaping their dietary preferences. It’s a delicate balance of nature and nurture.

In the end, the goal is simple: to provide our feathered friends with a life that’s as close to their natural habitat as possible. And in doing so, not only do we ensure their happiness and health, but we also reap the benefits of fresh eggs, natural pest control, and the sheer joy of watching them thrive.

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