
Discover the Best Chickens for West Virginia: A Guide for Poultry Enthusiasts

Are you looking to start a backyard chicken flock in West Virginia? Whether you’re interested in fresh eggs or just enjoy the company of chickens, choosing the right breed is key to success. With its unique climate and geography, West Virginia requires breeds that can handle both cold winters and hot summers.

In this article, we’ll explore the best chickens for West Virginia and provide tips on raising and caring for your feathered friends.

Best Chickens for West Virginia

Choosing the right chicken breed is essential to a successful backyard flock in West Virginia. There are several factors to consider when selecting a breed that will thrive in this region, including:

  1. Climate: West Virginia has a varied climate, so it’s important to choose a breed that can tolerate both cold winters and hot summers. Some breeds, such as the Rhode Island Red and Wyandotte, are cold-hardy, while others, like the Leghorn, are better suited to warmer climates.
  2. Purpose: Do you want chickens for eggs, meat, or as pets? Different breeds have different strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose a breed that meets your specific needs. For example, Leghorns are excellent layers, while the Orpington is a good dual-purpose breed for both meat and eggs.
  3. Space: Consider the amount of space you have available for your flock. Some breeds, like the Sussex and Plymouth Rock, are well-suited for confinement, while others, such as the Bantam, are better suited for free-range environments.
  4. Personality: Chickens have different temperaments, so it’s important to choose a breed that matches your personality and lifestyle. If you have children, a friendly and docile breed like the Orpington or Sussex may be a good choice.
  5. Availability: Not all chicken breeds may be readily available in West Virginia, so it’s important to consider the availability of the breed you want. Look for a reputable breeder or hatchery that offers the breed you want and can provide healthy birds.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best chicken breed for your backyard flock in West Virginia. Keep in mind that different breeds have different needs and characteristics, so do your research to ensure you choose a breed that will thrive in your environment and meet your specific needs.

So, without further ado, read more about the best egg-laying chickens for West Virginia.

Rhode Island Red

Rhode island red rooster

Rhode Island Red is a popular breed of chicken that has been raised for both meat and egg production since the mid-1800s. They are known for their hardiness, good temperament, and excellent egg-laying abilities.

The breed originated in Rhode Island and was developed by crossbreeding different breeds, including the Malay, Java, and Shanghai chickens.

Rhode Island Reds have a rich, deep-red plumage that gives them their name.

They are medium-sized chickens with a muscular build, and they have a tendency to be broody, meaning they will often sit on their eggs and try to hatch them. This makes them good mothers for chicks that you may want to hatch.

One of the key characteristics of Rhode Island Reds is their high egg production. They lay large brown eggs that are well-suited for both cooking and baking. They can lay up to 300 eggs per year, and their eggs are known to be some of the best-tasting and most nutritious.

Rhode Island Reds are also adaptable to a variety of climates, making them a great choice for West Virginia’s varied weather conditions. They are hardy and can handle cold temperatures well, but they also do well in hot weather. They are also low-maintenance, making them a great choice for backyard flocks.

Overall, Rhode Island Reds are a great breed of chicken for anyone looking to start a backyard flock in West Virginia. They are hardy, adaptable, and excellent egg-layers, making them a popular choice for both beginners and experienced poultry enthusiasts alike.

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock is a dual-purpose breed of chicken that was developed in the United States in the mid-19th century. They are known for their hardiness, docile temperament, and excellent egg-laying abilities. They are a popular breed for backyard flocks in West Virginia and around the world.

Plymouth Rocks are medium-sized chickens with broad, rounded bodies and a single red comb. They come in several color varieties, including the Barred Plymouth Rock, which is the most common. They have black and white stripes on their feathers, which give them a distinctive appearance.

One of the key characteristics of Plymouth Rocks is their adaptability. They are hardy chickens that can handle a range of climates, making them a great choice for West Virginia’s varied weather conditions. They are also low-maintenance, making them a great choice for beginners.

In addition to their hardiness, Plymouth Rocks are known for their excellent egg-laying abilities. They lay large brown eggs, and they can produce up to 280 eggs per year. They are also good meat birds, and their meat is known for its quality and flavor.

Plymouth Rocks are also known for their docile temperament. They are friendly and easy to handle, which makes them a great choice for families with children. They are also good foragers and can be allowed to free-range in a backyard if desired.

Overall, Plymouth Rocks are a versatile breed of chicken that is well-suited for backyard flocks in West Virginia. They are hardy, adaptable, and easy to care for, making them a popular choice for both beginners and experienced poultry enthusiasts.


The Wyandotte chicken is an American invention from the final decades of the nineteenth century. They are well-known for the beautiful eggs they lay and the calm demeanor with which they provide them. They’re a standard in West Virginia and other states and countries for backyard flocks.

Wyandottes are spherical chickens with a rose comb that are about the size of a Rhode Island Red. They are available in a wide range of colors, from black and blue to buff and silver to gold-laced. Their feathers are patterned in a way that sets them apart visually.

Wyandottes are known for their versatility and ability to adjust to new environments. These resilient fowl are ideal for raising in West Virginia because of the state’s varying temperatures. They require little care and attention, making them ideal for novice gardeners.

Wyandottes are well-known not just for their resilience, but also for the high quality of the eggs they produce. Up to 200 of these big brown eggs are laid per year. In addition to being tasty poultry, they also make for excellent meat birds.

The Wyandotte breed is also well-known for its placid nature. Because of their amiability and manageability, they are an excellent choice for households with young children. They are also capable of foraging on their own if given access to a backyard.

Wyandottes, in general, is a highly adaptable chicken breed that does rather well in West Virginia backyard flocks.


Sussex is a type of chicken that came from the UK around the middle of the 19th century. They are known for being hardy, having calm personalities, and laying good eggs. They are a common breed of chicken kept in backyard flocks in West Virginia and other places around the world.

The body of a Sussex chicken is round, and it has one single red comb. They come in different colors, like red, white, and white with spots. They have thick feathers and a fat, broad body, which makes them good for living in cold places.

One of the most important things about Sussex chickens is that they are hardy. They can adapt to many different climates, which makes them a great choice for West Virginia’s many different climates. They are also known for not getting sick, which makes them easy to care for and low-maintenance.

In addition to being hardy, Sussex chickens are also known for laying good eggs. They lay big brown eggs, and each year they can lay up to 250 of them. Their eggs are known to be very good, and many people who keep backyard flocks value them.

Also, Sussex chickens are calm and friendly, which makes them a great choice for families with kids. They are easy to take care of and do well in small spaces, which makes them good for backyard flocks.

Overall, Sussex chickens are a very adaptable breed that do well in West Virginia backyard flocks. They are hardy, flexible, and easy to take care of, which makes them a popular choice for both new and experienced bird owners. The fact that they lay good eggs and are friendly also makes them a great addition to any flock in a backyard.


Orpington is a chicken breed that originated in the United Kingdom in the late 1800s.

They are well-known for their gentle nature, toughness, and high meat quality. In West Virginia and around the world, Orpingtons are a popular breed for backyard flocks.

The gentle and friendly nature of Orpington chickens is one of their most distinguishing characteristics. They are docile and easy to train, making them an excellent choice for families with children. This makes them an excellent choice for those who want to keep chickens as pets.

Orpingtons are also well-known for their tenacity. They can adapt to a variety of climates and are well-suited to cold winters. They have broad, round body that gives them the appearance of being plump and heavy. This makes them ideal for meat production.

Orpingtons are good layers of brown eggs in addition to producing meat. They can lay up to 280 eggs per year and are known for their rich, flavorful eggs.

Orpingtons come in a variety of colors, including black, blue, buff, and white. Because of their soft and fluffy appearance, they are a popular choice for exhibition shows.

One thing to keep in mind about Orpingtons is that they are prone to obesity. This is due to their proclivity for overeating, which can lead to health issues. It is critical to monitor their diet as well as provide them with plenty of exercise and space to roam.

Overall, Orpingtons are a versatile breed of chicken that is well-suited for West Virginia backyard flocks. They are friendly and hardy, producing high-quality meat and eggs. However, it is critical that they keep a close eye on their diet in order to avoid obesity and other health issues.

Tips for Raising Chickens in West Virginia:

  • Provide a secure coop that can protect your chickens from predators and harsh weather conditions.
  • Make sure your chickens have access to fresh water and a well-balanced feed.
  • Provide plenty of space for your chickens to move around and exercise.
  • Keep an eye on your flock for signs of illness or injury, and seek veterinary care as needed.

Chicken hatcheries in Virginia

To get started, you need to find a good hatchery where you can choose the chicken breeds you want. Before choosing a hatchery, you should think about things like the chicken breeds they have, how much they cost, etc.

Listed below are some hatcheries in West Virginia that you can visit.

Winterhorses Farm

The goal of Winterhorses Farm’s chicken breeding and production is excellent. Egg-laying birds are included in this group as well as turkeys and emus. They use only the finest breeding stock from all throughout the country. To choose their inventory, they use a specific criterion.

They make sure that all of their goods are APA compliant. The following chicken varieties can be purchased from the shop: Easter Eggers, Bantam Cochins (Calico, Calico Frizzled, Bobtail), Black Copper Marans, Black Silver (Birchen), and Lavender Marans; Cream Legbars; Opal (Lavender Cream) Legbars; Yeosan Ogyes; Silkies (BBS, Chocolate, Mauve, Paint, Showgirl, Frizzled); and Mottled Orpingtons (Black and Chocolate). The Winterhorses Farm is NPIP-approved, too.

Location: 1225 Indian Creek Rd, Chesapeake, VA 23322

Phone: 757-377-3056

Furbelow Farms

All kinds of livestock-related support are available from Furbelow farms. They supply a wide range of animals, all of good quality. They give the same love and attention to the animals they rear.

The staff is committed to assisting you in any way they can. Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, Black Sex Links, Plymouth Barred Rocks, Black Australorps, and White Rocks are just few of the chicken breeds they raise.

Their lowest pricing point is around $20. They have hatching eggs for sale, and the price per dozen begins at $48. If you have any questions, you may reach out to them via the details provided on their website.

Location: 96 Oak Hill Rd, Cumberland, VA 23040

Phone: 804-396-5525

Fancy Feather Farms

To ensure that customers have a positive experience keeping hens, Fancy Feather Farms only sells the highest quality birds. They even provide guidance and recommendations to assist you learn more about chickens in general.

Location: 9676 S Genito Rd, Amelia Court House, VA 23002

Phone: 804-372-7227

Dunreath Farm

The hens at Dunreath farm are loved and cared for with the same dedication as the rest of the livestock. Their focus is on producing and selling premium livestock. It’s crucial that they sell only robust flocks to their clients. 

The animals and clients of Dunreath farm are both well taken care of. This is shown in the quality of their work. When it comes to the subject of chicken keeping, they are also very friendly and approachable. We at Dunreath Farms are here to listen to your worries and offer assistance where we can. Their honesty and hard ethic are praised by their customers. Many coop keepers put their faith in them.

Location: 13101 Ashland Rd, Ashland, VA 23005

Phone: 804-798-9052


Chicken laws in West Virginia?

When it comes to laws about poultry in West Virginia, they vary by county and city. In general, most counties allow backyard chickens, but there may be regulations on the number of chickens allowed per household, the size of coops and runs, and other factors related to the health and safety of the chickens and surrounding community.

Some counties may require permits or licenses to keep chickens, while others may have specific zoning requirements for backyard flocks. It’s important to research the specific regulations in your county and city before starting a backyard flock.

In addition, West Virginia has laws related to the sale and transportation of poultry, including regulations on the sale of live birds and eggs for human consumption. These regulations help ensure the health and safety of both the birds and consumers.

Overall, while laws about poultry in West Virginia vary by county and city, with proper research and planning, backyard chicken keeping can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Can I raise chickens in a suburban area of West Virginia? – Yes, as long as your local zoning laws permit it and you provide proper care for your chickens.

What is the best time of year to start a chicken flock in West Virginia? – Spring is typically the best time to start a new flock, as the weather is mild and chickens are more likely to thrive in these conditions.

Do I need a rooster to get eggs from my hens? – No, hens will lay eggs without a rooster present. However, if you want fertilized eggs to hatch chicks, you will need a rooster.


In conclusion, selecting the right breed of chicken is crucial for a successful backyard flock in West Virginia. By considering factors such as climate, purpose, space, personality, and availability, you can choose a breed that will thrive in your specific environment and meet your specific needs.

Remember that different breeds have different needs and characteristics, so do your research and choose wisely. Whether you’re raising chickens for eggs, meat, or as pets, there’s a breed out there that’s perfect for you and your family. By selecting the best chicken breed for West Virginia, you can enjoy the benefits of fresh eggs, high-quality meat, and the joy of keeping these friendly and fascinating birds.





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