
Which Chickens Lay Blue Eggs?

As any egg lover can attest, not all eggs are created equal. From size and shape to taste and texture, eggs can vary greatly depending on the breed of chicken that laid them.

One of the most sought-after characteristics of an egg is its color, and few hues are as coveted as blue. But which chickens lay blue eggs?

In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating world of blue egg laying chicken breeds and the science behind egg color genetics.

Chicken Breeds

When it comes to blue egg production, not all chicken breeds are created equal.

While most chickens lay white or brown eggs, a select few are capable of laying eggs in shades of blue.

Here are five of the most popular blue egg laying chicken breeds:

Chicken Breed Egg Color Characteristics
Ameraucana Shades of blue or green Unique “muff” and “beard” facial feathers, docile personality, hardy nature
Cream Legbar Shades of light blue or blue-green Friendly personality, striking good looks
Easter Egger Shades of blue, green, pink, or even brown Hybrid of several different breeds, produces a range of colored eggs
Olive Egger Shades of green and blue Cross between two blue egg laying breeds, such as the Ameraucana and the Marans
Blue Isbar Striking blue eggs Friendly disposition, unique crests, rare breed

Ameraucana Chickens

Ameraucana Chickens lay blue eggs

Known for their unique “muff” and “beard” facial feathers, Ameraucana chickens are perhaps the most well-known blue egg layers.

These birds typically lay eggs in shades of blue or green, and are prized for their docile personalities and hardy nature.

Cream Legbar Chickens

Cream Legbar Chickens lay blue and green eggs

Another popular blue egg laying breed, Cream Legbar chickens are known for their friendly personalities and striking good looks.

These birds typically lay eggs in shades of light blue or blue-green, and are popular among backyard chicken enthusiasts.

Easter Egger Chickens

Easter Egger chickens are a popular choice for those seeking a colorful egg basket.

These birds are a hybrid of several different breeds, and can lay eggs in shades of blue, green, pink, or even brown.

Olive Egger Chickens

As their name suggests, Olive Egger chickens are known for their ability to lay eggs in shades of green and blue.

These birds are typically a cross between two blue egg laying breeds, such as the Ameraucana and the Marans.

Blue Isbar Chickens

One of the rarest blue egg laying breeds, Blue Isbar chickens hail from Sweden and are prized for their striking blue eggs.

These birds are known for their friendly dispositions and unique crests and are a favorite among chicken fanciers.

Egg Colors

While blue eggs may be the most sought-after, they are by no means the only colored eggs that chickens can lay. In fact, chickens can produce eggs in a range of colors, from white and brown to green, pink, and even speckled. So what determines egg color? It all comes down to genetics.

At the most basic level, egg color is determined by the presence of pigments called protoporphyrin and biliverdin. Chickens that lay brown eggs produce a larger amount of protoporphyrin, while those that lay blue or green eggs produce more biliverdin. The specific combination of pigments and the way they interact with light ultimately determines the color of the egg.

While the genetics of egg color are complex, some breeds are known for producing certain colors of eggs. For example, Marans chickens are known for their rich, chocolate-brown eggs, while Leghorn chickens typically lay white eggs. By contrast, Easter Egger chickens can produce eggs in a range of colors, depending on their genetic makeup.


While the color of an egg may be aesthetically pleasing, many people also wonder if it has any impact on the egg’s nutritional value. The short answer is that egg color does not affect the egg’s nutritional composition. Whether an egg is white, brown, or blue, it contains the same essential nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals.

That being said, there is some evidence to suggest that certain breeds of chickens may produce eggs with slightly different nutritional profiles. For example, some studies have found that eggs from free-range chickens may contain higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E compared to eggs from chickens raised in cages.

Additionally, some research suggests that eggs from chickens that are fed a diet high in certain nutrients, such as flaxseed, may contain higher levels of these nutrients in the egg yolk.

Regardless of egg color, it’s important to select high-quality eggs that are fresh and well-handled. This can help to ensure that the eggs you consume are both safe and nutritious.


Still have questions about which chickens lay blue eggs? Here are some common FAQs and their answers:

Can all chickens lay blue eggs?

No, only certain breeds of chickens are capable of laying blue or green eggs. These include breeds such as the Ameraucana, Cream Legbar, and Easter Egger.

Are blue eggs healthier than other eggs?

Not necessarily. While the nutritional composition of eggs can vary slightly depending on the breed of chicken that laid them, there is no evidence to suggest that blue eggs are inherently healthier than other types of eggs.

How do I breed chickens to lay blue eggs?

Breeding for blue egg production can be a complex process that involves selecting chickens with certain genetic traits. For those interested in breeding blue egg laying chickens, it’s important to do research and seek out the advice of experienced breeders.


In conclusion, the world of blue egg laying chickens is a fascinating one.

From the unique genetics of egg color to the variety of chicken breeds that can produce blue eggs, there’s much to learn about this colorful corner of the poultry world.

Whether you’re a backyard chicken enthusiast or simply a lover of good eggs, knowing which chickens lay blue eggs can help you to select the perfect birds for your flock or the perfect eggs for your next meal.

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