
How To Handle An Aggressive Rooster!

How To Handle An Aggressive Rooster

Don’t know what to do with an aggressive rooster? Roosters are born with their sense of duty towards the flock they belong in. We have discussed the reasons why are some roosters aggressive such as genetics, hormones, and sense of authority. We have received a lot of e-mail concerning this particular questions. We would like … Read more

How To Protect Your Coop From Cats & Dogs!

Chickens attract a lot of predators – foxes, raccoons, eagles and domesticated cats and dogs.

Cats and dogs are especially dangerous for small chicks.

Many chicken keepers own also cats or dogs and that can sometimes be a problem if your chickens are not properly protected.

That is what made us, the typesofchicken.com team prepare an article for our readers concerning the protection of your chickens from the most common household pets.

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Chicken Treats Chart – Everything You Should Know!

Chicken Treats Chart

We at the typesofchicken.com team love to give our chickens treats and write about all the different ways a chicken keeper can do it. But as with everything else there is a good and a bad side in giving your chickens treats and what we wanted to do is provide for our readers is provide an easy and simple table about the dos and donts when giving your chickens treats.

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Ventilation In Your Chicken Coop – Why Is It Important & How To Provide It

Ventilation In Your Coop

Many chicken keepers tend to forget the importance of ventilation in their coop and they build their coop without leaving room for it.

Ventilation is important both for the summer and the winter for your chickens.

Forgetting to add ventilation in your chicken coop plans may lead to some problems later in your time as a chicken keeper. This is what inspired us at the typesofchicken.com team to prepare this article for our readers.

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14 Toxic Plants Your Chickens Must Avoid!!!

Toxic Plants Your Chickens Must Avoid

Your free-range flock loves roaming into the garden and treating the marigolds, squash blossoms and dandelions like an all-you-can-eat salad bar. An abundant supply of fresh fruits, vegetables and garden greens is part of a balanced diet, but not all the plants in your garden are good for your chickens.

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How To Keep Your Flock Cool In The Summer!

Hotter and hotter days are coming and it is almost time for every chicken keeper to prepare his flock and their coop for the summer.

Hotter and hotter days are coming and it is almost time for every chicken keeper to prepare his flock and their coop for the summer.

Chickens don`t like hot weather even though most of their reproductive process depends on the amount of sunlight they are getting during the day.

We at the typesofchicken.com team are here to help our readers prepare for the summer by providing them with an article about How To Keep Your Flock Cool In The Summer.

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5 Apps To Make You A Better Chicken Keeper!

Select breeds, monitor hatching and keep your coop organized with one of these apps, suited for beginning to experienced chicken keepers. First came computer programs that kept track of your calorie intake. Next, designers dazzled us with software that analyzed our sleep patterns, encouraged our exercise routines and monitored our marital fertility times. Is no stone … Read more

Keeping Your Chickens Entertained – Why Is It Important & How To Do It?

Chickens need their entertainment, it makes their exercise more fun and likable.

Toys for chickens can be many things even some form of a treat or an old piece of wood with some honey poured on it.

By providing toys for your chickens you can make them friendlier towards each other and you. Any positive change in the environment around them can be fun for your chickens.

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How To Make Your Own Chicken Feeder – DIY Project!

How To Make Your Own Chicken Feeder

Feeding your chickens can be easy if you find the method that makes it easy for you to do it. In order to make it simpler for you to feed your chickens, you will need quick and easy access to their feeder in order to save time feeding them and the feeder will be easier to clean.

Chicken keepers all over the world have been using PVC pipes in order to make feeders and waterers for their chickens because the availability,  usefulness, and price of the material makes it very good for these purposes.

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How To Keep Your Chickens Healthy!

How To Keep Your Chickens Healthy

Keeping your chickens healthy is not an easy task, chickens are small and gentle and prone to many diseases.

There are some things that every chicken keeper must do in order to provide his/her chickens a healthy and productive life.

When we were discussing today`s article we wanted to give our readers some simple but very useful tips on how to keep their chickens healthy.

While reading these tips it is on you to decide if you should make some adjustments to your chicken keeping process or no.

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