
Are Huskies Good with Chickens? *Other Dog Breeds Included*

All dogs are different animals, from Great Danes to Chihuahuas. Yet it’s possible to make some generalizations about how different breeds will behave in certain situations.

For example, you can use those generalizations to know that if you get a husky, it probably won’t be a good match for your chickens. Huskies are loving and playful pets who need plenty of exercises and mental stimulation.

They’re also smart, curious creatures who like to explore their surroundings. Yet they’re also renowned for their strong hunting instincts; when they’re not cared for properly, they can take out a flock of chickens in minutes or even seconds.

Siberian Huskies are a type of dog that originated in Siberia. They are medium-sized dogs, with a height of about 20-23 inches and a weight of 50-60 pounds. They are known for their friendly and playful nature, as well as their ability to pull sleds long distances.

In this article, we will cover topics like:

  • Do Huskies Get Along With Chickens?
  • Do Siberian Huskies Eat Chickens?
  • Can Huskies Be Trained To Protect Chickens?
  • Are Huskies Good with Other Animals? *cattle, sheep, cats, etc*
  • What Dog Breeds Get Along With Chickens?
Siberian Huskies are a type of dog that originated in Siberia. They are medium-sized dogs, with a height of about 20-23 inches and a weight of 50-60 pounds. They are known for their friendly and playful nature, as well as their ability to pull sleds long distances.

Do Huskies Get Along With Chickens?

If you have chickens, I would not put a husky in a household with chickens.

Huskies have a high prey drive and their natural desire to chase down smaller animals can be problematic for the well-being of your chickens.

Chickens are fragile creatures and don’t have much of a chance against an aggressive dog.

Even though huskies are generally good with other dogs, they will still chase after them if they spot them outside or even inside the house!

In addition to this, chicken coops are usually made from wood—another material that attracts huskies’ attention.

Do Siberian Huskies kill Chickens?

You’ve probably heard about the legendary sled dogs of Alaska, and you may have even seen a few of them up close. But what about their hunting habits and killing other animals like chickens?

So, can Siberian huskies kill chickens?

Yes, if there’s something they want to eat—like chickens—they’ll find a way to get it.

There’s no way to say for certain if your Siberian Huskies will kill chickens.

Some dogs are more aggressive than others, so it really depends on the breed and individual dog. Some dogs will kill chickens out of instinct, while others will be more likely to just chase them around or bark at them until they run away.

But if you have chickens that roam freely around your yard, it can be dangerous for both your chickens and your dogs! If one of your Siberian Huskies decides that he wants a nice chicken dinner (which is perfectly natural), he might make an attempt at catching one. And if he isn’t successful in catching one, he could still chase them around until they get hurt or scared off into traffic or other dangerous situations!

Can Huskies Be Trained To Protect Chickens?

Yes, huskies can be trained to protect chickens. A lot of chicken keepers say that they can be trained, but it is not going to be as easy as training a small puppy. It will take some time, but if you are willing to put in the work, you can train your husky to protect your chickens.

 A lot of chicken keepers say that they can be trained, but it is not going to be as easy as training a small puppy.

How To Train Your Husky To Protect The Chickens In Your Backyard?

Start off by getting the right equipment:

You will need a leash and collar for your dog, along with a harness that has an extra leash attached to it (this way you can keep your dog next to you).

You will also need some treats that are small enough for your dog to eat easily (like cheese or hot dogs), although these treats can get expensive over time!

Finally, you’ll need a kennel for your dog (or just a crate if he likes being confined in small spaces).

This will be used when training your dog because it gives him somewhere safe where he won’t get distracted by anything else around him – instead, he’ll be focused on learning how much fun it is not only guarding his flock but also getting rewarded.

Are Huskies Good with Other Animals? *cattle, sheep, cats, etc*

Huskies are a relatively versatile breed of dog, meaning that they can be trained to live with just about any type of animal. However, this does not mean that all huskies will adapt well to living with a particular animal.

Some huskies love cats(learn more: Can chickens eat cat food), while others are terrified of them. Some huskies get along great with cattle and sheep, while others won’t go near them.

It’s important to make sure that your husky has plenty of toys and other things to do when you aren’t home so that she doesn’t get bored and try to find something fun in your neighbor’s cat (or their dog!).

Are Huskies Good with Other Animals? *cattle, sheep, cats, etc*

Dog Breeds That Get Along With Chickens?

The correlation between these two species depends on many things, such as breeds, the owner and his/her capability to train them, the characters of the particular animals, etc.

If you’re considering adding dogs to your homestead, here are five breeds that have been known to get along with chickens:


The Akbash is a large, ancient breed from Turkey. It’s a working dog that was traditionally used for guarding livestock and as a fighting dog.

The Akbash is intelligent, protective, and loyal to its owner.

This breed gets along well with children and other pets, including chickens. If you want a dog that will love you unconditionally and protect your flock, then this might be the right choice for you.


Komondor is an ancient Hungarian breed that was originally used as a drover’s dog before it became popular in Hungary as a watchdog and guard dog.

This breed has a long history of protecting livestock from predators like wolves and bears.

The Komondor can be aggressive toward strangers but is gentle with children and other pets. This breed is also known for its beautiful coat which requires regular grooming to keep it clean and healthy-looking. If you want an independent-minded guard dog who loves working outdoors then consider adding this breed to your flock!

Tibetian Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient breed that originated in Tibet and China.

They are large dogs with thick coats, and they were bred to guard livestock and protect homes from intruders.

The Tibetan Mastiff is not aggressive toward other dogs or humans but can be protective around children and small animals like chickens.

They are calm but energetic dogs who love to play outside in the yard with their owners or other dogs in their family.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Known for their high levels of tolerance with the flock and people close to them, the Pyrenean Mastiffs are one of those breeds that if you want to properly train, you need to start at the puppy age.

This makes them one of the best breeds that you can raise along with your flock of chickens. 

Your curious chickens will be able to take a look at the Dog and get familiar with the small Pyrenean Mastiff.

And just because they are patient and tolerant, that does not make them lousy guard dogs; Pyrenean Mastiff can be deadly to predators.

Pyrenean Mountain Dog

This is an ancient breed that was originally used by shepherds in France to protect their sheep from wolves and bears.

They get along well with most other animals including chickens, horses, and cats so if you have any of these animals he will probably get along with them as well!

We have a separate article for 5 Dog Breeds That Get Along With Chickens

Read more HERE.


It is not good or bad so much as it is common sense. Any well-trained dog will bark at an intruder due to the presence of something the animal does not recognize and will likely try to protect its owner if they are threatened.

A well-trained dog, in this case, a husky, may still break their enclosure or cause injury to chickens. Therefore, chickens and huskies should be kept separate as best as possible.

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