
Choosing The Right Bedding For Chickens

bedding for your chickens

The bedding you choose for your chickens is very important and it can make you life as a chicken keeper easier. While the instinct might be to run with the cheapest and simple to tidy up choices

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Fixing A Muddy Run – How To Do It!

Fixing A Muddy Run

Having a muddy run around your chicken coop can have a bad affect on the health of your chickens.  It can increase the chances of your chickens getting bumblefeet and of course bad hygiene which can be easily transferred inside of the coop and that leads to many more problems. This is why a well maintained run is as important as a well maintained coop. 

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White And Brown Eggs – What`s The Difference?

White And Brown Eggs - What`s The Difference

With regards to purchasing eggs, do you go after white or cocoa eggs? Does shading direct your inclination?

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10 DIY Nesting Boxes for chickens

Diy Nesting Boxes

Nesting boxes are a crucial part in the chicken keeping process.

They are that important piece that helps you pick up eggs easier and handle your broody hens.  

Since the world of backyard chicken keeping is getting bigger we decided to share with our readers some nesting boxes ideas that we found amazing.

And as always pictures and descriptions are in order and without any further ado here are the Most Amazing DIY Nesting Boxes for chickens.

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