
105 Surprising Facts About Chickens

Not only elephants have a great memory, but chickens as well. There are many more interesting facts about these creatures that we believe most of the people do not know. That is the main reason we decided to dedicate this article on 105 interesting facts about chickens.

Therefore, bring you closer all the information which we honestly hope you find both useful and interesting in the future.

Additionally, we believe that you will be all surprised by the facts below, because chickens are to be respected and not underestimated creatures. So, let’s begin counting.

Facts About chickens
Image Courtesy – flickr.com/TasminCooper

1. Chickens have full color vision

2. Chickens can distinguish more than 100 faces among their species.

3. Chickens can remember humans as well.

4. Chickens can see and dream in full colors.

5. Chickens know the boss among them and have their hierarchy which all fully respect.

6. Chickens want to sunbathe just as humans do.

7. Chickens are sleeping most of their time, they experience REM phase, which is like constantly having short dreams.

8. Hens are very protective when it comes to protecting their little babies. They defend them from the predators.

9. Chickens have more than 30 types of vocalization. They can distinguish between good vibes or threatening ones.

10. Chickens are just like human mothers who talk to their babies in the womb.

11. If the chickens feel stress they can lose their feathers.

12. In order to clean themselves chickens take dust bath.

13. If chickens listen to classical music they can lay bigger and heavier eggs. (A funny fact about chickens)

14. Chickens can run up to 9 miles per hour.

15. Mother hens teach their babies what to eat and what to avoid.

16. Most eggs are typically laid in the morning between 7am and 11 am.

17. Chicken body contains 15 % much water than humans.

18.  Chickens lifetime depends on different factors among the most important appear breed, environment and feed.

19. Chickens aren’t completely flightless.

20.  The record flight time for chickens is 13 seconds.

21. With 25 billion chickens in the world, there are more of them than any other bird species.

22. A rooster announces that he has found food with his best known noise ’took, took’.

23 Male chickens are called roosters, cocks or cockerels, depending on the country you’re in.

24. Female chickens (chicks) are pullets until they grow old enough and lay eggs, thus become hens.

25. Avian influenza (a.k.a bird flu) can kill between 90 and 100 % of the chickens within 48 hours.

26. Chickens need regular vet testing.

Image Courtesy – yourchickens.co.uk

27. Chickens need proper feed, especially rich in protein.

28. Chickens need fresh and clean water at all times.

29. Too many chickens can’t lay eggs in just few next boxes.

30. Chickens are emotional creatures, can feel pain and distress.

31. Over 452 million hens are used a year for eggs.

32. The color of the yolk can tell whether the egg is fresh or old.

Image Courtesy – flickr.com/MarcoVerch

33. Chickens love to run, exercise.

34. Sometimes, roosters can be aggressive.

35. Chickens can be deadly affected by some chickens’ diseases.

36. Chickens are not smelly creatures as long as being kept properly.

37. Clean coop is a healthy coop.

Clean Chicken Coop - Fact About Chickens
Image Courtesy – flickr.com/TimEvanson

38. Some breeds are noisier than the others.

39. Chickens are chatty creatures.

40. Chickens love lap time with their keepers.

41. A hen can lay about 300 eggs 1 year.

42. Buff Orpington, is often called the most quiet chicken breed to raise.

Image Courtesy – flickr.com/PaulWoods

43. Easter Egger is thought to be one of the loudest chicken breed.

44. Each chicken sound means something specific, thus indicates stress or pleasure.

45. Each hen has her own specific traits.

46. Each chicken has own specific voice.

47. When happy, chickens express content murmurs.

48. Chickens usually have brief lives.

49. Chickens can live without heads for a while.

50. The largest chicken egg weighed nearly 12 ounces.

51.  The chicken breed called turkens is not a chicken and turkey cross. This is a myth.

52. A fear of chickens is called Alektorophobia.

53.  A freshly laid egg is 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

54. Scientists believe that chickens were domesticated 8000 years ago.

55. Chickens can mourn for each other.

56. Chickens have more bones in their necks, than giraffes.

57. There are more chickens than people on the Earth.

58. Chicken’s earlobe can define the egg-shell color.

59. If a chicken has red earlobe, it will lay brown eggs, if white, white eggs.

60. A chicken heart beats more than 300 times a minute.

61.  Chickens can taste saltiness.

62. Chickens can’t taste sweetness.

63. A chicken’s beak can bleed.

64. Any physical deformity may indicates a health issue (vet consult recommended).

65. Chickens have specific behavior and manners, any changes regarding this should be deeply observed.

66. The record number of yolks in one egg is nine.

Image Courtesy – Wikimedia.org

67.  If the white of an egg is cloudy, the egg is fresh.

68.  A group of chickens is called a flock.

69.  Chickens don’t like lightening.

70.  Red bulbs are recommended when raising chickens.

71. The color of the chicken dropping can tell if the hen is sick or healthy.

72. Flock without a roster is a quieter one.

Rooster - Facts about Chickens
Image Courtesy – flickr.com/albertoabouganem

73.  Fresh fertile eggs collected daily will not have embryos in them.

74. Chickens can eat without teeth.

75.  Egg yolks contain more calories and fat than the whites.

76. One medium egg (boiled) contains: 84 calories, 8.3g protein, 5.7g fat and 1.6g sat fat.

77.  The ancient Greeks believed that even lions were afraid of roosters.

78.  A hierarchical order is very important to the social lives of chickens.

79.  Hens are attracted to roosters based on both their physical and behavioral characteristics.

Image Courtesy – Wikimedia.org

80. Chickens are able to coordinate group activities, such as foraging and group defense.

81. Chickens are cognitive creatures that can show empathy as well.

82. Researchers at University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, have put 16 breeds through physical fitness and behavioral tests, and concluded that chicken playing with fake worms is sign of happiness among the flock. They added that although, chickens can’t express how they feel, their behavior can tell it instead.

83. Chickens can develop egg-eating habit, as lack of protein intake.

84. By pecking each other, chickens can develop cannibalism.

85. Dairy products are not allowed in chickens’ feed, because chickens don’t have the needed enzymes to digest the milk sugars.

86. Chickens love pumpkin’s seeds. They are beneficial for their health too.

Image Courtesy – flickr.com/IreneKightley

87. Chicken soup can fight a cold.

88. Chickens can also recognize their toys after playing with them for a while, due to their good memory.

89. Chickens should be entertained by suitable games (don’t forget the cabbage tetherball game).

90. The oldest chicken is 22 years old, and her name is Muffy.

91. Chickens’ diet should be well-balanced and they need probiotics as well in order to keep the good bacteria thriving.

92. Chickens need calcium intake, so as to lay eggs with strong shell.

93. Chickens are omnivores.

94. Chickens can take diabetes, although it is not common.

95. Chickens love music.

96.  The average chicken egg contains 9000 pores.

97. A chicken egg contains four separate layers of white, or albumen.

98. Chickens can be good pets.

99.  Chicken and dog can be good friends together, after the dog has been trained to protect them.

100. Use of frozen vegetables among broody hens can help (when hen is broody, their body temperature rises. Therefore, you can reduce it by adding some frozen vegetables in their feed).

101.  The famous rooster dance is called Tidbitting.

102. Chickens have three eyelids.

103.  A standard-size hen will eat 1/4 to 1/3 pound of pellets a day. (Pellets are good for your hens because they contain: wheat, salt, maize, sunflower seed and oats).

104. Egg production begins when the birds reach about 18-22 weeks of age, depending on the breed and season.

105. Hens called Bovans Nera lay large eggs that are pale tinted brown and weight approximately 72 grams.

Finally, we honestly hope that you enjoyed our article on 105 interesting facts about chickens. If you learn at least one new thing about your lovely creatures we will be happy.

In case you have something to add, please don’t forget to share.

Therefore, those who treat chickens as unthinking and unfeeling objects it is high time they changed their opinion. As a result, this article is believed to show that chickens are highly intelligent and cognitively sophisticated creatures.

105 Surprising Facts About Chickens
105 Surprising Facts About Chickens
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