
11 Best Chickens for Texas, United States (heat hardy, temperament, and origin)

Texas State Map

Texans take pride in just about everything, whether it’s their football teams, barbeque, or egg-laying chickens. There’s no denying that a chicken coop full of freshly laid eggs is a satisfying sight for homesteaders and hobbyists alike. But if you’re looking to raise the best egg-laying chickens in Texas, you’ll also want to consider other … Read more

4 Best Egg-Laying Chickens for Kentucky

If you’re considering embarking on the rewarding journey of chicken keeping in Kentucky, you’re in for a clucking good time. Kentucky’s diverse climate and rich agricultural heritage create the perfect backdrop for raising chickens, whether you’re aiming for a steady supply of fresh eggs or seeking feathered companions with charming personalities. In this comprehensive guide, … Read more

Is Boric Acid safe for chickens?

Researchers suggest that supplementing chicken feed with boric acid can help maintain intestinal health and prevent the spread of salmonella in birds that are already struggling with sickness. With its potential benefits, poultry enthusiasts wonder whether it’s a safe option for their feathered friends. Understanding Boric Acid Boric acid is a naturally occurring compound found … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Cucumber Peels? (nutritional value)

Can chickens eat cucumber peels? This is a common question among backyard chicken owners who want to offer their feathered friends a varied and healthy diet. The answer is yes, chickens can safely eat cucumber peels as long as they are washed thoroughly and fed in moderation. In fact, cucumber peels are a nutritious treat … Read more

Pros & Cons About Keeping Wyandotte Chickens

Keeping Wyandotte Chickens

Monday`s at typesofchicken.com are reserved for our weekly Pros and Cons articles concerning a particular chicken breed.

As we have said many times before, we write these articles based on our own opinions and experiences as well as research. There are exceptions in every breed, so if you have had a different experience with the breed in question, feel free to share it with us.

For this Monday, we decided to do an article about the Wyandotte chicken breed.

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14 Fluffy and Fabulous Silkie Chicken Pictures That Will Make Your DAY

silkie chicken pictures

When it comes to cute animals, silkie chickens are definitely at the top of the list! These fluffy birds have a special charm that is hard to resist. With their soft feathers and friendly personalities, they make great pets and are a joy to have around. In this collection of 14 silkie chicken pictures, you’ll … Read more

6 Best Chicken Breeds for Small Backyards

Keeping chickens in small backyards is becoming increasingly popular these days. Not only do they offer fresh and healthy eggs, but they also help manage waste sustainably, control insects and maintain soil. However, choosing the right chicken breed can be a daunting task. Factors like available space, climate, noise tolerance, and personal preferences need to … Read more

Silkie Rooster Temperament And How To Handle It

Silkie rooster Temperament

It is no secret that Silkie Chicken is the labrador retriever of chickens. One of the low number of chicken breeds that you can keep in your apartment. If you are looking for a pet chicken, Silkie Chicken Is the breed for you.

They are small, smart, and gentle. However, when roosters come to mind, even the Silkie Rooster Temperament can surprise every chicken keeper.

Their distinct fluffy plumage caught even Marco Polo‘s attention. He was amazed by their fur, so it’s believed that he brought them to Europe via Silk Road.

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