
5 Vital Factors to Keep in Mind When Constructing Your First Chicken Coop

Building Your First Chicken Coop

The chicken keeper who erected his first chicken coop thought it was easy and uncomplicated. Unexpected troubles were everywhere. Many chicken keepers’ initial coops had problems, some bigger than others.

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4 Essential Strategies for Simplifying Chicken Care

Life As A Chicken Keeper

We at the typesofchicken.com team want to give our readers as many ideas as we can to improve their lives as chicken keepers or inspire them to become chicken keepers. We want to get around everything concerning chicken keeping and chickens in general.

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3 Must-Do Chicken Routines for a Healthier Flock

Routines Every Chicken Keeper Should Follow

We have said in many of our previous articles that chickens are smarter than many people think. Chickens have the ability to adapt and learn routines, and that is why chicken keeping can be a lot easier for everyone who likes it if you adapt your chickens to your routine check-ups and clean-ups.

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How Much Heat Do Your Chicks Need?

How Much Heat Is Enough For Your Chicks

It is essential for chicken keepers to maintain appropriate warmth for chicks, since excessive heat can have detrimental effects. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the optimal range of heat that is beneficial for chickens.

A common error observed among those who rear chickens is the improper placement of a heat lamp in close proximity to the chicks, which can lead to detrimental consequences such as heightened stress levels and, in certain cases, mortality.

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11 Best Chickens for Texas, United States (heat hardy, temperament, and origin)

Texas State Map

Texans take pride in just about everything, whether it’s their football teams, barbeque, or egg-laying chickens. There’s no denying that a chicken coop full of freshly laid eggs is a satisfying sight for homesteaders and hobbyists alike. But if you’re looking to raise the best egg-laying chickens in Texas, you’ll also want to consider other … Read more

4 Best Egg-Laying Chickens for Kentucky

If you’re considering embarking on the rewarding journey of chicken keeping in Kentucky, you’re in for a clucking good time. Kentucky’s diverse climate and rich agricultural heritage create the perfect backdrop for raising chickens, whether you’re aiming for a steady supply of fresh eggs or seeking feathered companions with charming personalities. In this comprehensive guide, … Read more

Is Boric Acid safe for chickens?

Researchers suggest that supplementing chicken feed with boric acid can help maintain intestinal health and prevent the spread of salmonella in birds that are already struggling with sickness. With its potential benefits, poultry enthusiasts wonder whether it’s a safe option for their feathered friends. Understanding Boric Acid Boric acid is a naturally occurring compound found … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Cucumber Peels? (nutritional value)

Can chickens eat cucumber peels? This is a common question among backyard chicken owners who want to offer their feathered friends a varied and healthy diet. The answer is yes, chickens can safely eat cucumber peels as long as they are washed thoroughly and fed in moderation. In fact, cucumber peels are a nutritious treat … Read more