
8 Most Dangerous Chicken Predators. Be Aware of Number 2!!

Dangerous Chicken Predators

Keeping chicken is a very good thing to do, as a hobby or as a profession, but chickens are in comparison with other more dangerous animals they are small and vulnerable.

This makes them a perfect target for certain predators. My bet is because people from every corner of the world are keeping chickens and they are literally everywhere, there are predators that enjoy chicken meat everywhere. We want your chicken to be safe and that is why we at the typesofchicken.com team decided to share our opinion on the 8 most dangerous chicken predators:

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Best chickens for tick control

Ticks are a common problem in many outdoor spaces and can transmit diseases to humans and pets. Using chickens as a natural and environmentally-friendly method of tick control can be an effective and sustainable solution. In this blog post, we will discuss why chickens are effective at controlling ticks, what types of chickens are best … Read more

What is the Best Animal to Protect Chickens?

What is the Best Animal to Protect Chickens

Chickens are popular birds to raise for their eggs and meat, but they can also be vulnerable to predators such as dogs, coyotes, and foxes. To keep your chickens safe, you may want to consider using an animal as an additional layer of protection. There are several options to choose from, each with their own … Read more

How to raise chickens for eggs and meat?

How to raise chickens for eggs and meat?

If you’re looking to raise chickens for meat and eggs, then this article is a must-read. In this guide, we will cover all aspects of raising organic hens. It’s cheaper than buying eggs in the store and you can get them any time of year. Plus, raising your own chickens is fun! However, there are … Read more

How To Raise A Friendly Rooster!

Raise A Friendly Rooster

Roosters can be aggressive and loud. Many chicken keepers even avoid roosters in their flock due to their “complicated” attitude. They are aggressive and often bully other chickens in the congregation. Most chicken keepers keep one rooster per 7+ hens, none at all, or, in some cases, separated from the hens. Chicken keepers that allow their eggs to … Read more

Rhode Island Red Rooster Temperament

Rhode Island Red Rooster Temperament

The Rhode Island Red chicken breed was made in the late 1800s. In the United States, it is considered a heritage breed. It was created in Rhode Island to produce both eggs and meat. However, in the last few years, many of the genes for making meat have been bred out of the birds, so … Read more

Australorp Rooster Temperament

Australorp Rooster Behavior

The Australorp is one of the most popular breeds of chicken. This breed has an adventurous personality, which means they’re always looking for fun ways to keep themselves busy. But, what about the roosters? Are they friendly or mean? Do they attack people or do they like to be petted? Depending on how you raise … Read more

Leghorn Rooster Temperament

Leghorn Rooster Temperament

The Leghorn rooster is certainly an interesting specimen. These birds, which are physically similar to other types of chickens, are known for their beautiful white feathers. They’re also very popular in the United States because they lay large eggs and are incredibly docile — which makes them easy for most people to handle. However, this … Read more